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Professor Robert J. Allen

Welcome to the Allen Climate Dynamics Center or AC/DC as we like to call it! Our research utilizes climate models, as well as a wide range of observations, to improve our understanding of the climate system.  This includes natural variability and the processes involved, as well as how climate is changing, what is driving that change, and how to adapt to and mitigate such changes. 


Our main research interests are climate variability, land-atmosphere interaction, atmospheric aerosols/short-lived pollutants, and large-scale climate dynamics. If these topics interest you, please contact Dr. Allen.


Aerosol-Cloud Semi-Direct Effects

AMOC Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol

 Land-sea warming contrast and aerosol burden

El Niño-like teleconnection and California precipitation 

Tropical belt width proportionately more sensitive to aerosols than greenhouse gases



Feb. 4, 2019

A warming world increases air pollution. Climate change is warming the ocean, but it’s warming land faster and that’s really bad news for air quality all over the world


Nov. 17, 2020

Humans must reduce carbon dioxide and aerosol pollution simultaneously to avoid weakening the ocean’s ability to keep the planet cool, new research shows.


Sep. 4, 2018

Global warming, El Nino could cause wetter winters, drier conditions in other months. Research indicates warming ocean temperatures will intensify winter rainfall in California.


Jul. 6, 2017

California Projected to Get Wetter Through This Century. UC Riverside researchers analyze 38 climate models and project California will get on average 12 percent more precipitation through 2100


University of California Riverside,

Riverside, CA - 92521

© 2020 by Allen Group.

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